Well-being and Mindfulness in Education
"Mindfulness is a foundational capacity which can support many aspects of mental and physical well-being in teachers and students simultaneously"
Mindfulness Initiative

Research and studies have shown the following positive impacts for students.
🔵Improved well-being, resilience, optimism and happiness.
🔵Reduced heart rate, reduced stress hormones, improved sleep quality.
🔵Reduced levels of absenteeism.
🔵Reduced levels of depression, stress and anxiety.
🔵Improved emotional regulation, empathy, compassion and kindness.
Positive impacts are seen for staff when they are offered mindfulness training.
🔵 Improved well-being, experience more fulfilment, happiness levels increase and more resilient.
🔵 Reduced heart rate, reduced levels of stress hormones, better quality of sleep.
🔵 Reduced levels of burnout, stress, depression and anxiety.
🔵 Better connection in the classroom with students and better management of student behaviour.
🔵 Increased focus, empathy and compassion levels
Teaching mindfulness is an easy, accessible and affordable way to implement a strong sense of well-being into your education setting.
It teaches staff and students practical skills of how they can improve their well-being, build resilience and self-esteem.
Research and studies have shown that mindfulness can be implemented more successfully into education settings when staff are also practicing these techniques.
At Crcle, we take a whole school approach. Focusing on the well-being of the staff so that they can support their students more effectively.
"One of the major principles is that mindfulness needs to be incorporated into the life of the teacher before he or she can effectively bring it into the classroom"
Jon Kabat-Zinn

What we offer for staff...​​
Workshops and training on how to incorporate mindfulness teaching within their classroom.
Group meditation and relaxation sessions to support staff wellbeing.
Pre-recorded meditation practices to support staff with continual mindfulness.
What we offer for students...​
Mindfulness workshops and group sessions, taking place in the classroom or outdoors in nature.
SOMA Mindfulness training programme. This can be delivered at a pace and interval that suits your education setting.
Ongoing mindfulness support with 1:1 training or small group settings.

What students who have undertaken mindfulness training have said...
"I'm finding the programme is really helpful. It has helped me feel more emotionally and mentally there in the moment."
"I'm finding it enjoyable and the activities are enjoyable."
"I'm finding the programme beneficial as it helping me find ways to relax."
"I'm enjoying the programme and enjoying learning mindfulness"
We've seen first hand how beneficial mindfulness techniques are for staff and students.
If you want to find out more about how we can help you bring mindfulness into your education setting, contact us for an initial discussion.